Category Archives: naps

Post 3: am I Stupid?

Well, ok, it started well. Then I realized that Tristan is a sleep moaner. A loud sleep moaner. Aidan did well and I made sure the music was on. Unfortunately the sleep timer kicked in at about 45-50 minutes of … Continue reading

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Post 2: am I Stupid?

The answer is “NO!” They are both asleep. They talked (well Aidan did) for about 5 minutes, and when I peeked in just after the last post they were both quiet and lying down. Five minutes later both, asleep. Wow. … Continue reading

Posted in babysitting, naps | 1 Comment

Post 1: am I Stupid?

I need a few minutes to myself. Both Aidan and Tristan need a nap. Both are fighting them. They both need to sleep in the same room. Am I being ridiculous trying to put them down at the same time? … Continue reading

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