
Every once in a while I like to give myself a little treat, something a little decadent.  Sometimes it is nothing more than a longer shower, or an Earl Grey Tea Latte from Starbucks.  Today it was a cup of tea and a Harlequin novel under the covers while Quinlan slept.

I almost felt guilty about taking the time to read a book and get warm under my covers and it got me to thinking, little indulgences shouldn’t make me feel guilty they should make me feel refreshed.  I have decided to make a list of indulgences that I am going to make happen try to make happen think about making happen before the new year. Some will be easy, some will be more difficult.

1. Take a long relaxing bath with a book and a glass of wine.

2. Go out for a piece of cheesecake and a cup of tea.

3. Go out to see the new Harry Potter film.

4. Go see White Christmas at the Stanley. (Tickets already bought.)

5. Buy some nice chocolate and share it with Anthony.

6. Get the third twilight movie and watch it without guilt.

7.  Learn to ski with my son. (Anthony signed us up for a weekend of skiing lessons.)

8. Get the grey out of my hair.

9. Go out on a date with my husband.

10.  Go out and do some more night photography.

11. Take a few minutes each day for myself.

What other indulgences should be on my list?

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1 Response to Decadence

  1. Oh my goodness. I bought myself a pricey coffee today and then I dumped it on the floor of my hotel room.
    So much for MY attempt at decadence.

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