More Truth: What I Love About Me

Since I spent the morning cleaning and baking, and we all spent the afternoon caching, I am tired and not sure what I want to write about so I shall tackle Day 02 of the30 Days of truth.

Day 02: Something you love about yourself.

It is a lot easier to find something you don’t like about yourself than to find something you love about yourself.   I love that despite being shy I can put myself out there, go into situations where I know no one and get to know people.

I love that over the last two years I have gone out of my way to go and meet new people that I have been interacting with on twitter and on blogs.  I love this especially because Anthony and I have made some very good friends.  These are people that I know I can call to go out and talk, or if I need some help.  I love that they know that they can call on me for either of these things as well.  I love that our kids get along.

I have some very good friends now, all because I decided to put my shyness away and pretend to be confident.  I guess sometimes pretend confidence can lead to real confidence, even if you sometimes still feel like hiding under the bed.

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2 Responses to More Truth: What I Love About Me

  1. Nicole says:

    I always tell my swim instructor candidates “Fake it til you make it”

    And I have a sneaking suspicion that many people who appear confident are really quaking inside. I know I do 🙂
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..An Escalating Situation =-.

  2. Granpa John says:

    I love you because you make my son happy, you gave Kathy and me grandchildren and you were a rock when I needed you.
    BIg hugs!

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