Blog Layout Changes: Good or Bad?

I have been thinking about a blog makeover for a while.  I know that it is essential been the same forever but there are a few things I would like to change.    I will be changing my header for sure.  I am not sure if I will ever have the time to get Anthony to take a similar picture, so it will need to be something different.  I want to be able to do more with comments.  I think I would like to reply to comments on the posts.  I am pretty sure that it would be more interactive to reply to comment threads and give others a chance to comment on other comments as well.

I want the layout to be simple, with a black and white header, well maybe a little colour.  I want dark text on light back ground, again I think I do.  I think I will get rid of some of the stuff in the columns like the blogroll that is so outdated.  I need an about page, maybe a manifesto type page.

What should I keep?  What should I change? Are there any more things I should dump?

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2 Responses to Blog Layout Changes: Good or Bad?

  1. harrietglynn says:

    I’m all for manifestos. I think we all need one!
    .-= harrietglynn´s last blog ..rssCloud Update =-.

  2. A manifesto? Maybe not. But an about page is a good idea. I recently loaded Disqus comments onto my site and I really like that I’m able to reply to someone and it appears on my site as well can email them directly. I think having a light background is a good idea. I don’t want to offend but…I don’t entirely get the calendar when you have archives too. I think one or the other is good. Really your blog is kind of representative of who you are.

    I know I’m always tweaking mine and I’m never happy. Mine’s too busy I think but I’m never sure what to remove or move. Sigh. It’s a work in progress.
    .-= Marilyn (A Lot of Loves)´s last blog ..It’s So Much Nicer With Friends =-.

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